"TOP 10" Reasons to Join Suffolk County Psychological Association

  1. We are a friendly, supportive and collegial group of psychologists.
  2. We have an active and informative listserv for our members to share and obtain valuable information.
  3. We have an active website with a "Find A Psychologist" database enabling the public to search for psychologists by services, orientation, insurance, and more.
  4. Members receive discounted rates on our monthly CE-granting workshops (approved by APA and NYSED) on a variety of relevant, professional topics.
  5. We offer free mentoring for early career psychologists.
  6. We have a vibrant social media presence among members and the community.
  7. We offer opportunities to become active in the association to advocate for our profession at the local, state and national levels.
  8. We offer discounts on resources including a legal plan and website design services.
  9. We hold social networking events throughout the year.
  10. We graciously recognize the contributions made by those who call SCPA home!

Membership in the Suffolk County Psychological Association can keep you connected - within the county and beyond. Our organization is a focal point, bringing many agendas and resources into view. As with any dedicated group, we provide an often decisive strength with the voices of our membership concerning important issues that affect us all. Our strength is in our numbers and our numbers are growing. Be a part of SCPA and be heard - every one of our members is our most valuable resource.

Annual Dues

First-Time Full Member: must meet one of these requirements: a NYS license as a Psychologist or a NYS Certification as a School Psychologist or a Doctoral Degree in Psychology conferred by a graduate school of recognized standing.

  • Dues for First-Time Full Members are as follows: $80 for 6/1-8/31, $60 for 9/1-11/30, $40 for 12/1-2/28, and $20 for 3/1-5/31. All First-Time Full Members renew as Full Members on 6/1.

First-Time Full Member+: meets above requirements and includes access to all SCPA workshops with free CE credits

  • Dues for First-Time Full Members+ are as follows: $250 for 6/1-8/31, $187.50 for 9/1-11/30, $125 for 12/1-2/28, and $62.50 for 3/1-5/31. All First-Time Full Members+ renew Full Members on 6/1.

Full Member: Please select this option if you were a member of SCPA previously and your membership lapsed.

  • Dues for Full Members are $130. All memberships renew on 6/1. If you renew after 3/1, your dues are $160 and this includes the remainder of this year and the entire next year of membership.

Premium Member: meets above requirements and includes access to all SCPA workshops with free CE credits

  • Dues for Premium Members are $300. All memberships renew on 6/1. If you renew after 3/1, your dues are $390 and this includes the remainder of this year and the entire next year of membership.

Student Member: must be enrolled full-time in a psychology program at the undergraduate or graduate level (documentation required).

  • Dues for Student Members are $30. All memberships renew on 6/1.

Affiliate Member: must have graduated within the last five (5) years from an accredited BA/BS Program in Psychology AND do not meet the requirement for Student Members.

  • Dues for Affiliate Members are $35. All memberships renew on 6/1.

Affiliate+ Member: meets above requirements and includes access to all SCPA workshops with free CE credits

  • Dues for Affiliate+ members are $205. All memberships renew on 6/1.

Retired Member: must meet the requirements for Full Members AND are fully retired from the Practice of psychology, are 65 years old or older and do not qualify for Emeritus Status because you have not been member for 25 years.

  • Dues for Retired Members are $30. All memberships renew on 6/1.

To become a member, please complete the application. Once your application is received by our Membership Chair, it will be reviewed and your acceptance as a member will be voted on by the SCPA Board. You will receive a phone call and an email, usually within a week, of your acceptance. You may either pay online or mail in your payment.