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November 2024 Workshop: The Utilization of Dungeons and Dragons for the Development of the Self
Friday, November 01, 2024, 7:15 PM - 9:15 PM EST
Category: Workshops


Presented by Joseph Atanasio, Psy.D. and Jared Sossin

***This is an in-person workshop - location TBA

The importance of fun, play, and emotionality in learning is well established (Begy, 2015; Bergen, 2009; Daniau, 2016; Schrier, 2019; Zayas & Lewis, 1986). There is precedent for fun and play as a main function of therapeutic interventions for adults and children alike – see creative arts and psychodrama therapy. However, tabletop role-playing therapy (TTRPT) integrates creative arts therapy's imagination and psychodrama's improvisation into a highly immersive narrative within a gamified world (Connell, 2023). Guided by a clinician’s trained hand, group participants of TTRPT commonly experience universality, group cohesiveness, peer guidance reciprocity, interpersonal learning, development of socializing techniques, and catharsis – as understood by Irvin’s Yalom curative factors in group psychotherapy. Dr. Joe Atanasio and Jared Sossin are excited to demonstrate how traditional therapeutic goals, such as anxiety management, communication skill building, strengthen of executive functioning and more, for both neurodiverse and neurotypical populations, are not only met but enhanced by the surprising ecological validity of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Manifestations of Jungian archetypes, Gestalt therapy, ACT, and other theoretical orientations are commonplace within TTPRT sessions, affording probing analysis of the development of the self. The rewards of TTRPT are realized within the group, individual therapy and across various clinical settings. Experience is the best teacher. As such, Dr. Atanasio and Jared are looking forward to playing D&D with the Suffolk County Psychological Association for an evening of clinical exploration.